
Cricket is a game that had its origins in England. As the British Empire extended its suzerainty over territories across the world, cricket began to be played in the colonies of England too. Today, cricket is an international game that is played in some 16 nations across the globe. Cricket is commonly nicknamed a ‘gentleman’s game’ though initially, before cricket became popular, it was a game that was played predominantly by women and children in the country where it originated. Gentleman’s Game? Many feel that the term ‘gentleman’s game’ is…

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Some sport historians suggested that golf evolved from earlier sports involving a ball and a club in Europe and the entire Mediterranean basin. This game dates back to 943 AD in records written by Wei Tai of the Song Dynasty. The name of the game of this ancient golf sport is unknown. One interpretation says that his game of golf involved striking the ball until it reached a specific goal marked on the ground. This image seems to indicate its popularity. This medieval golf game originated in a form of…

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Hockey is a sport in which two teams trying to maneuver a hard round disc called a puck into rival’s net, using a hockey stick. This sport is also played at college-level, and each college or institution may have its own hockey team. Intra-collegiate or inter-collegiate hockey tournaments may be held all year round. Many colleges provide necessary infrastructure, guidance, finance, and support for development of hockey. Colleges may have different teams and clubs. A single college may have more than one hockey team, and support groups. Hockey at college…

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Football points can be scored in many different ways, including catching a pass over the goal line, carrying the ball over the goal line, tackling a football player in his own end zone, or a kicker kicking the football through the goal posts on the opposing side. The football team with the highest score when the game is over is the team that wins the game. American football is also played in other countries outside the United States. Their are National football leagues that are in Sweden, Isreal, Germany, Japan,…

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Basket Ball

Warm weather is here, and that means three things: some people will play basketball outdoors, other people will not play basketball outdoors, and a third group of people will think about the two options and waver somewhere between, perhaps eventually deciding to buy ice cream cones (not the ice cream, just the cones). Granted, there are a lot more important summertime topics, but I am finding that nothing represents people more than the basketball hoops they have outside their homes. Except for maybe their jobs. And their Facebook profiles. And…

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